Online options via zoom
Two sessions each week
Tai Chi Tuesday 11-11.40am
PilogaFit Friday 11-11.40am
Online live classes each week
PilogaFit exercise class structure and process
The exercises are always safe, low impact but continuously core focused for the one hour.
You always progress at a level that suits you on the day. You choose your intensity.
Classes are therefore always suitable for complete beginners, with suggested adaptions.
This mixed ability approach, will help any age or ability, benefit from their comfort zone as capacity is deveoped.
The focus is on your core stablising muscles rather than gross movement.
It's all about mastering good technique, posture and movement.
It is definitely not about over stretching or pounding your joints/spine with harmful compression. Poor form promotes muscle and movement imbalances and injury. see Muscle imbalance.
So it's "Mobility, Stability, then Endurance" Following Dr Stuart McGill - Science based exercises.
Class Structure
Please try to log on 10 minutes early to settle in with opening exercises and become focused/mindful
Dynamic mobility warm up/focus - 8 mimutes
Core exercises - 24 minutes
Mobility cool downs & relaxation - 8 minutes
Please use an exercise mat if you have one and a weight or a bottle of water
All classes run through school holidays but closed Bank Hoidays
Strength & Conditioning